Date Showing Showing On 10, 12, 13 December
Time Showing Monday 6:00pm, Wednesday 4:00pm and 6:30pm, Thursday 6:00pm

No Date, No Signature

MA15+ 1hrs 44mins
drama mystery thriller | 2018, Iran | Persian

Kaveh Nariman is a coroner in the medical examiner's office. One day at his work he meets a corpse which is very familiar to him.


Coarse language

Vahid Jalilvand
Original Review
David Stratton, Weekend Australian
Extracted By
Peter Gillard
Amir Aghaee, Zakieh Behbahani, Saeed Dakh

Watch The Trailer

No Date, No Signature Trailer | SGIFF 2017

Storyline (warning: spoilers)

Driving home one night Doctor Kaveh Nariman swerves to avoid an impatient driver and collides with a motorbike driven by Moosa, his wife Leila nd their two children.  Nariman examines one of the kids, eight year old Amir and the kid seems OK, but the next day the boy's body is delivered to the clinic where Nariman works.

The autopsy, conducted by Nariman’s friend and colleague Sayeh Behbahanis shows that the child died of food poisoning, but Nariman can't escape the feeling that he was personally responsible.

He convinces himself that the boy suffered an undiagnosed injury in the accident, and he's tormented about it.  Meanwhile Moosa is faced with the chilling conclusion that his son was probably killed by eating the chicken that he acquired under the counter from a local poultry producing plant.  The meat was cheap, but the consequences costly.

The film starkly depicts the world of the haves and the have nots in contemporary Iran – Moosa and Leila live in abject poverty – and explores the doctor's conflicted feelings with insight and compassion.  It's another fine example of the kind of painfully honed cinema being produced in that part of the world.

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